We're here to empower your journey as expectant parents and guide you toward a meaningful birth experience.

Meet Our Doula Team!

Unlock your confidence in childbirth with us.

Intuitive Birth | Childbirth Education — $299

Gain the knowledge and confidence to navigate any birthing scenario in a hospital, home, or birth center. Trust your body and embrace parenthood with ease.* Includes Nursing & Newborn course.

Nursing & Newborn Care — $99

This class is for parents who prefer nursing and newborn care education without the entire childbirth course. Learn to nurse and care for your newborn with ease and confidence.

  • You guys, if you're thinking of hiring a doula, don't sleep on calling The Intuitive Birth team. They are some of the most incredible humans on earth, and as a prenatal Chiropractor they are one of my first referrals I make when meeting with new Pregnant moms. Each one of them has provided the most important care to my patients and I know they have been an integral part of my patient's Birth Teams. I recently worked with Misty as my doula at my home birth, and I truly don't think I could have done it without her. She helped me through the toughest journey of my life bringing my baby earthside and I am forever grateful.

    Casey Strojny

  • I can't begin to share how important Merrie, Misty, Dacia, and the entire Intuitive Birth team have been to our pregnancy, our delivery, and our ability to settle in with our new baby. Merrie has been a lifeline for us throughout the process, and always one of the first people we contacted when we had any questions or concerns. She was immediately available in almost every circumstance, with the exception of the delivery (she was out of town), during which Misty and Dacia stepped in ably and admirably. And thank goodness they did! We had a difficult labor that culminated in an emergency c-section, but Misty and Dacia were consistently and constantly supportive presences throughout. They supported my wife through labor with mantras, massages, and running all manner of errands, and they helped me(!), the partner, with words of affirmation, assurance, and empathy as we navigated a series of difficult situations and decisions. Thankfully everything worked out for the best and we have a healthy, happy baby boy. And when we brought him home and had about 500 concerns in the first 6 weeks, Merrie and Dacia would stop over, reassure us, provide us a few tips (or even a lovely home-cooked meal!), and leave us better off than before they arrived. We can't thank them enough, and we can't recommend Intuitive Birth any more highly for doula services. Thank you team!

    Savinay Nathan

  • I was so lucky to work with both Lauren and Dacia for the birth of my first little girl. Lauren was thoughtful, empathetic, and encouraging throughout my entire pre and postnatal journey. No question was too small, and she always made me feel heard - validating the smallest of concerns or issues I faced. I had an unmedicated birth at the Birth Center of Denver, and Lauren made me feel prepared and empowered to do so. I delivered late, and because of the timing, Dacia stepped in on the actual day of my labor. Without having had met her in person beforehand, she immediately put me at ease and helped me through my labor - her calm presence, respect for my wishes, and expertise in positioning and pain management techniques allowed me to have the natural birth I wanted and planned for.

    Sela F.

  • I cannot recommend Merrie, Lauren and Intuitive Birth enough! Having their support and guidance during my pregnancy and birth was truly life changing for me. When my baby was in the breech position late in pregnancy, Merrie was such an incredible source of knowledge, positivity and empowerment. Because of her, I had options. Merrie was able to directly connect me with Intuitive Birth's incredible network of resources and providers for breech birth. One of these resources was Lauren, whose expertise and personal experience proved to be invaluable. Through it all, I felt totally supported in choosing whatever delivery method that felt right for me and my baby. I took a lot of comfort knowing that no matter if I went straight to C-section or attempted a vaginal delivery, Merrie would be by my side making it all feel beautiful and natural. After very careful consideration and consultation, I delivered my baby safely at a hospital via a vaginal breech birth. I've never felt so surrounded by experts and care as I did at my birth! I am so grateful to Intuitive Birth for empowering me to have this experience, and supporting me every step of the way. Thank you so much Merrie and Lauren!

    Maggie L.

  • I cannot recommend Merrie, Lauren and Intuitive Birth enough! Having their support and guidance during my pregnancy and birth was truly life changing for me. When my baby was in the breech position late in pregnancy, Merrie was such an incredible source of knowledge, positivity and empowerment. Because of her, I had options. Merrie was able to directly connect me with Intuitive Birth's incredible network of resources and providers for breech birth. One of these resources was Lauren, whose expertise and personal experience proved to be invaluable. Through it all, I felt totally supported in choosing whatever delivery method that felt right for me and my baby. I took a lot of comfort knowing that no matter if I went straight to C-section or attempted a vaginal delivery, Merrie would be by my side making it all feel beautiful and natural. After very careful consideration and consultation, I delivered my baby safely at a hospital via a vaginal breech birth. I've never felt so surrounded by experts and care as I did at my birth! I am so grateful to Intuitive Birth for empowering me to have this experience, and supporting me every step of the way. Thank you so much Merrie and Lauren!

    Maggie L.

  • Merrie and Allie were amazing doulas and we were so lucky to have them there for this birth! I wanted to have an unmedicated birth and that extra level of support in the birth room. I was in prodromal labor for 5 days, she and Allie checked in me regularly and came by to help with progressing labor naturally and getting baby in the right position. After five days, I opted to be induced. I felt well prepared for this and what my options were thanks to Merrie's guidance. They were with my husband and I every step of the way. They helped with changing positions and increasing my comfort, and even when I finally decided on an epidural- their support was amazing. We had the kind of experience I had hoped for and it was worth every penny. We had a beautiful birth experience and I know it would not have been the same without them. thank you so much Merrie and Allie!

    Joy M.

  • This is the second time we have used the services and every single time has been a delightful experience working with Merrie. We felt the support throughout the entire process, begging to end, always learning something new along the way. Highly recommend! Thank you so much!

    Marcelo B.

  • A professionally trained and experienced labor companion, a doula offers continuous mental, emotional, and physical support before, during, and after labor. They assist and support the mother and her partner achieve their birthing goals. Consider them akin to a specialized massage therapist for women in labor, a trusted birth advisor, and a compassionate therapist all rolled into one!

  • Giving birth can be stressful and unpredictable, especially for first-time mothers. Having a doula by your side is like having your best friend, an expert in birth, ensuring you feel comfortable and supported throughout the process.Here are some compelling statistics: Births attended by doulas reduce the risk of Cesarean section by 50%, shorten labor duration by 25%, decrease the use of pitocin by 40%, lower epidural requests by 60%, and reduce forceps or vacuum deliveries by 40%. Women supported by doulas also experience lower rates of postpartum depression, report higher satisfaction with their birth experiences, find the transition into motherhood smoother, and are more successful at breastfeeding.
    Doulas provide support once active labor begins, helping parents recognize the right time to go to the hospital. This guidance is precious for first-time parents needing advice on when to seek medical assistance.

  • Absolutely not! A doula doesn't replace the birth partner; instead, they complement each other. Doulas offer invaluable support to partners by guiding them on how to assist the mother best and providing them with opportunities to rest and recharge. Working closely with the birth partner, doulas leverage their training and expertise to actively empower partners to participate in the labor and birth process. After all, it takes teamwork to ensure a mother's comfort and well-being during labor!

  • Regardless of the circumstances leading up to the birth, a doula is steadfast in providing unwavering support to parents. Even in planned or unplanned situations requiring a trip to the Operating Room, doulas are often permitted to accompany parents. And don't fret—while we're there, we'll capture those priceless moments of meeting your baby, ensuring you have beautiful memories to cherish forever!

  • No, doulas are there to support parents in achieving their birthing preferences, regardless of whether they desire a medicated or unmedicated birth or whether they have an at-home or in-hospital setting.

Ways We Support You.

  • Doula Care

    From pregnancy to postpartum, our compassionate team supports you every step with guidance and physical care, like massage therapists for labor.

  • Childbirth Education

    Stand out in childbirth preparation. Master advanced labor techniques, effective pain management, and rapid postpartum recovery strategies.

  • Nursing & Newborn

    Build your skills and confidence in newborn care essentials, including breastfeeding, comforting techniques, and nighttime routines. Maximize your sleep!

  • Doula Training

    Comprehensive training programs for those aspiring to become knowledgeable and skilled birth workers, offering mentorship and hands-on experience.

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